4 Servings | 10 Minutes Prep Time | 30 Minutes Total Time


1 Lb. Ground Beef, Ground Turkey or Ground Sausage (you can buy Italian seasoned meat)

4 Slices of Uncured Bacon (sliced)

¼-½ Onion (chopped)

2-4 Zucchinis (you can buy these zoodled or make them yourself)

½ Cup Sugar-Free Pasta Sauce

½ Cup Alfredo Sauce

1-2 Tbsp of Olive Oil

Spices – Italian Mix and Salt, Pepper & Garlic


  1. Heat up one skillet. Cut up the bacon into small pieces and start frying them.
  2. Cut the onion up and then add it into that same pan when bacon is a little more than halfway done. Let these two cook together at medium to low heat and drain fat/grease if you want.
  3. Start to spiral-ize (zoodle) your zucchini. If store-bought zoodles then the next step is to heat up a deep and large enough pot with the olive oil. Add the zoodles and pepper and garlic and cook over low heat.
  4. In a side small pan or even in a mason jar, add ½ cup to 1 cup of (boiling) water and add salt.  Shake or stir and let sit off to the side.
  5. Add the ground meat to the bacon and onion mix and the Italian seasoning mix (if not already seasoned) and increase heat to medium if not already.
  6. Make sure to break up the meat and let brown.
  7. Once all mixed and browned, you can drain the fat again.
  8. Then add the pasta sauce and Alfredo and let simmer for a few minutes.
  9. To make the sauce more sauce-y add that salt water into the pan and let simmer again for a few minutes. This is a little trick that usually I use when cooking pasta noodles off on the side, the salty/starchy water adds that special touch but we made zoodles instead.
  10. Serve yourself the zoodles then add a heaping scoop to 2 scoops of the sauce on top and enjoy!


Cheese: You can add shaved or grated Parmesan cheese to the top. This will add to the grams of fat and protein.

Carbs: Each zucchini should make one heaping serving of zoodles, so if you want smaller portions use 2-3, aka less carbs.

Zoodle Machine: Mine was gifted to me, I think from Bed Bath & Beyond. Amazon should have some.

Spices: I just sprinkle how much I want- do the same.

Nutritional Info Per Serving:
21g Fat (With Ground Turkey)
8g Net Carbs (for a whole zucchini as a serving)
26g Protein
350 Calories

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I love food and cooking.

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